A TO Z & IN BETWEEN SALES offers a variety of items at online auction. You can sell any number of items on our online auction. Whether you have one item or hundreds, you can be assured your items will be treated with the utmost care. The descriptions and photos will show attention to detail. All aspects from start to finish will be handled professionally. The other option is selling your items to us, and you will be paid immediately. Either way you do not have to do anything, A TO Z will do all the work for you!
Hello, my name is Dawn, owner of A TO Z & IN BETWEEN SALES.
I have been buying and selling everything from A to Z for 25 plus years. I am always excited to find new treasures to share with others. It has been a hobby until recently when I started my own business. I worked in local government prior to starting my business and needed a change. Owning a business of my own has been the best thing I have ever done. I enjoy every day at "work". I buy and sell antiques, furniture, household, and everything from A to Z. I also co-owned an auction company in WI for over 20 years. I did more of the behind the scenes for that business.
Whether you are interested in allowing me to sell your items for you at a reasonable rate or interested in having me buy your items, contact me for no cost, no obligation consultation today.
865-518-8088 or ATOZSALES@mail.com